Friday, April 30, 2010

More from the quotable kid :: by mama

Some of these are a few months old, but they are all gems. Kaya is continually amusing and amazing us with his quick wit and straightforward honesty. I love the way he sees the world, and I am grateful that he shares his perspective with us in such an uncensored way. So, without further ado, here they are: quotes from the quotable kid.

[As Kaya climbs into bed one morning]

Mama: What is it, Kaya? I was fast asleep. I was dreaming.

Kaya: You were dreaming? But where was your dream bubble??


[As Kaya is playing and making a general racket]

Mama: Kaya, why are you screaming?

Kaya: I'm not screaming, I'm yelling.


[Upon Kaya's return to school following Christmas break and the birth of his new baby brother]

Kaya's music teacher, Miss S.: So Kaya, what was the most exciting thing about Bangkok?

Kaya: Eating chocolate muffins at Starbucks!

[He was also asked by his regular classroom teacher to draw what he did over Christmas break, and he drew a picture of himself on the treadmill in the gym, with some weights nearby. Apparently little Kiran did not make much of an impression!]


[In a discussion about Disney movies]

Mama: You know, those movies were around when I was little. I remember watching Snow White, Jungle Book, and some of the other movies you've seen.

Kaya: What about The Incredibles?

Mama: No, that one came out later, after I was already grown up.

Kaya: Oh yeah, that's why it's in color!


[Following a few rounds of a card game between Kaya and Daddy]

Mama: Wow, Daddy won a bunch of those games, for once!

Daddy: Yeah, I got really lucky. But we know what the most important thing is, don't we?

Kaya: Yep! It's that I won the last game!!


Kaya, to Mama: You should get a job.

Mama: I have a job, Kaya. Remember? You've picked me up at my office before.

Kaya: No, you should get a job at my school. You'll like it. It's really fun!

Mama: No, thank you. I'd rather not.

Kaya: Mama, just try it. If you don't like it, you can always quit, but you should just try it.

[Wonder where he's heard that line before...??]


[During the homebrew party over spring break]

Kaya, coming out of his room with wooden blocks pressed up to his ears: Daddy, it's too loud! Tell the people to be quiet and JUST DRINK BEER!


Such an awesome kid. We love you, Kaya!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another milestone :: by mama

Kiran turned four months old recently. (Okay, it's already been over a week, but that is recent in our world.) In any case, for his "birthday," Kaya and I made him a little sign and propped him up for a photo. Our photo session was short but hilarious.

No birthday cake, but I think he enjoyed eating the paper instead. Happy birthday, Kiki. We love you!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Yeah, it lived up to all the hype it was hyped up to be. Lots of hypin' and lots of clubbin', nudity, alcohol consumption, bad behavior... Mardi Gras had nothing on our mis-adventures.

Last year we left the country and headed to the friendly confines of Malaysia, where we divided our time between a resort, the jungle and the big city. We didn't have to go far this year to match and exceed the insanity.

We spent most of our days, poolside, clubbin’. That’s how we roll.

There were beautiful women! (with cute kids)

The effects of the homebrew were pure good times.

Body painting

Nudity: look at that butt!

Nandan Water Park

Pre-pre-pre-teen angst

Then there were the parties.

Spring Break 2010....two weeks we will have a hard time remembering. Going back to work will be hard, perhaps I will call in sick or maybe take a half day. Good times, great family!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Brownies. Enough Said. :: by mama

I am not really a fan of chocolate, in and of itself. I mean, okay, hand me a piece of chocolate and twist my arm, and fine, I'll eat it. Of course I'll eat it. Chocolate desserts, however, are another matter altogether. Black forest cake? Chocolate cheesecake? Chocolate mousse? Maybe even a hot fudge sundae? Yes, please, I will have one of each. Thank you for offering.

My love of chocolate desserts poses a bit of a problem here in Bangladesh, since even the simplest recipes tend to require a decent, good quality chunk of chocolate, in a bar or a block or a chip. Let it be known that those things do not really exist here. Traditional Bangladeshi sweets are mostly milk- or rice-based. Chocolate is simply not on the radar.

There is, however, cocoa available in the shops. (Apparently cocoa can sit on a shelf for three years and be fine, unlike chocolate, so I guess it is easier to import.) It's nothing fancy, just Hershey's and Cadbury's, but it works. So we have made the Moosewood Restaurant's vegan chocolate cake recipe oh, about a zillion times by now. Honestly, the cake is fantastic, but I am getting a bit tired of it. Luckily, I recently discovered a brownie recipe that actually uses cocoa. Our lives will never be the same.

I made this recipe late at night and then hid the tray as best I could in the refrigerator. The next afternoon, I started slicing the brownies, turned my back for a moment, and returned to find something not quite right.

A few minutes later, the tray looked like this.

Have I mentioned that these brownies are really good? I think we will be making this recipe a whole lot more from now on.