Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy spring! :: by mama

If I am not mistaken, today is the first day of spring. I mean, not here, not in Bangladesh. I'm not actually sure what season we're in here. My notes from Bangla class inform me that Bangladesh has six seasons: summer, rainy season, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. So maybe we are also in spring, but I doubt if today is actually the first day.

Nor is it the first day of spring in Australia. Our Aussie friends have reminded me numerous times that our upcoming break is most definitely not spring break. This is now fall for them, not spring, so why on Earth would we call it spring break? Preposterous.

In any case, with all of that as an introduction, I can get on to the real point of this post: I really just needed an excuse to post this photo. Spring, summer, whatever, it is definitely not winter anymore. It is hot outside! And so the boys of Team Hesse are back in their natural state, shirtless and happy.

Happy spring!!

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