Friday, February 27, 2009

Smartypants :: by Mama

This afternoon, Kaya asked for "the water bottle in the corner of the cabinet." "Which corner," I asked, "of which cabinet?" "The kitchen cabinet," said he, "It's the one that Elizabeth gave me." He was talking about a water bottle that our good friend Elizabeth gave him probably a full year ago, and which we have rarely (sorry, Elizabeth!) used since. (Hence its placement in the farthest corner of the cabinet.)

How does he remember these things? I do not know, so I inquired, "Kaya, how did you get so smart?" And, as if to prove his smarty smartness, he said, "From you!" Ha! Smart, smart, smart. (Of course, this response may also have come from my expression of delight when I asked him earlier today how he got so cute and he said, "From you." Even so, that just means that he is observant and perceptive. Ergo, smart.)

Here he is with the water bottle, looking slightly dazed:

In less exciting news, I am beginning to wonder whether Kaya could be the reincarnation of my 7th grade English teacher. Today I said something about how we were going to take an afternoon nap. He looked at me and said, "We, mama? We?" He said this not in a hopeful way, or an excited way, because he knew quite well that I did not actually intend to take a nap with him. He just said it in a stern and slightly patronizing way, clearly intending to point out my incorrect use of the personal pronoun. I apologize, Kaya. I apologize also to my 7th grade English teacher, whatever her name was. Does anyone remember her name? Anyone? Darn, maybe Kaya didn't get his smarty smartness from me after all.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Patton said...

It sounds like Kaya is getting tired of toddlerese. Soon he will b, like, learning to, like, speak like a tween. It is always exciting to read your blog and hear about your adventures.