Friday, January 29, 2010

"If I only knew now, what I knew then."

"If I only knew now, what I knew then." Something, along those lines.... It's a quote from a Pearl Jam song (lil' Mike, sorry, I know you hate PJ) oh so many lifetimes ago for me. The words have always kind of resonated with me, and I am actually quite amazed that I still remember them. I think they have stuck all these years because they make perfect sense to me. I spent my last rambling blog post talking about the evolution of me. I guess this post will be consumed with contradictory comments.

As time passes, I find less and less time to do what I want. I desperately long for a weekend that doesn't have me tapped into work or an evening with just Sheela and I watching The Office on the couch. I like my job (notice I no longer use the other 'L" word), but man, they are getting their money's worth out of me! What did I know then? I guess it would be an ignorance is bliss way about me. Perhaps that is too harsh. Once upon a time, I knew how to forget. I wonder if this hard found self awareness can be reversed?! I wonder what Gus McCray would say in a situation like this?

One of my goals for the next year is to find that balance with work and play and most importantly family. Oh, I know, it's all a part of life and there are good lessons to learn in situations like these, but damn, I feel like I have been doing a lot of learning in recent times!

It's all good though, life runs in cycles and I am grateful for that.

Pace yourself cool papa....

Okay so I guess the real reason most of you read this blog, (by most of you, I mean the one "follower" we have) is to see some pics of those oh so cute little bundles of joy.....Kiran and Kaya!
Life is good for Kiran.

Mamma and the boys! Kaya wore his dino costume to my softball game and was our mascot. It was kind of appropriate, the team consists of a bunch of old dudes.

Symbiosis: I can make him smile and he does the same for me.

Mrthika, Kaya, Kiran and the stuffed animal family.

The boys of team Hesse.

1 comment:

dome sweet dome said...

As the famed Bill Rodgers once told us, "...that our sport (but add anything here) has no room for ifs, only for what happened and what may happen in the future..." I like to think of that for life in general, not just running, but often need that reminder. Just live.

Thanks for posting the photos - it is so good to see you. Everyone looks so happy.