New Elephant Road is a very long road in the older, central part of Dhaka. It seems to be divided into general sections, with each section featuring a number of shops all selling the same type of thing, from carpets to china tableware to shoes. We went to the section that sells mens' wedding attire. Bangladeshi men (or, I think, at least the Muslim men) wear long, heavily bejeweled brocade coats to their weddings. Also, turbans.
And sparkly, curly shoes.
While Ingrid looked around and tried to find a turban that would fit her husband -- not easy in a country where the men are substantially smaller than the European average -- Christine and I found ways to keep ourselves entertained. We examined the less sparkly (but still essential) wedding items, which included underwear, soap, and colognes, many of which seemed to have the word "sexy" in their names. Then Christine discovered something far more entertaining: putting funny things on the baby taking pictures of him.
Kiki caught on to our plan pretty quickly. Note the suspicious look he is giving Christine.
He did seem to enjoy the baby-size turbans. I wonder what would be an appropriate occasion for these?
New Elephant Road is not far, but Dhaka traffic is terrible, so this was a daylong expedition. These photos made it all worth it. Oh, and Ingrid did eventually get a turban for her husband, too. Success all around.
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