Friday, October 3, 2008

kaya strikes again

The hits just keep coming!

The other day I was about to leave for a softball game and I was talking to Kaya about it. His response to me telling him I play softball was, "But Daddy, girls play softball!"

Kaya has a fascination with rickshaws. So... we should not have been surprised the other day when he declared, "Daddy, when I grow up I want to be a rickshaw driver."

Yesterday was his Birthday. We had a nice party for him with a Thomas the Tank Engine cake, over 20 people and lots of presents. At the end of the day we were asking him how his Birthday went and whether he had a good time. His response: "Well... (long pause) not as exciting." We asked him why not, and he said, "Not many people came." (Meanwhile everyone except for two people that he invited had shown up.) We asked him who didn't come, and he said, "Gregory, and Uncle Josh, Aunt Kasey, Hannah, Ben, Elena, Aunt Jacque, Aunt Annie, Uncle Troy, Cooper...." You get the idea. For those who may not recognize these names, Gregory is his friend here in Dhaka. All the rest are family members who live in Omaha!!! Poor Kaya.

Finally, this evening I asked Kaya whether baseball was his favorite sport. He said no! When I asked what his favorite sport was, he said, "Playing!"

Also, I think it's so funny that in all these photos Kaya never has a shirt on!!! He is so his father's son....

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